L’accordo di Parigi è solo il primo passo
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L’accordo di Parigi è solo il primo passo

Come dimostra quanto scritto da 350.org, organizzazione ambientalista mondiale, quello di Parigi è solo un primo passo, e neppure nella giusta direzione, per salvare la Terra da disastro ambientale, l’accordo di Parigi è solo il primo passo del lungo cammino verso emissioni zero:



I just want to thank you for everything you’ve contributed to 350’s work before, during and after the Paris summit. Together, we aimed high, and what we accomplished is huge.

Click here to watch and share videos from the “Road Through Paris,” including our take on the agreement itself:

Our “Road Through Paris” plan aimed to build movement power and accelerate the transition from fossil fuels starting in August — and the amount we’ve been able to accomplish together since then is astonishing.

Together we have:

•   Shut down one of Europe’s largest coal mines — over 1500 of us drew a line in the sand and took part in a mass act of civil disobedience at Ende Gelände in Germany this summer.

•  Hosted hundreds of “Power Through Paris” workshops across the globe, training and preparing for a wave of global escalation:

• Organised dozens of screenings of Avi Lewis and Naomi Klein’s documentary, This Changes Everything, to get people prepared for action in Paris:

•    Ran a global petition push to keep 80% of fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100% renewable energy, which helped define the conversation in Paris:

•    Super-charged divestment campaigns everywhere, adding over $1 trillion in assets under management that have divested from coal, oil or gas ahead of Paris climate talks:

•    Then there was an historic wave of global mobilisation, with almost 800,000 people worldwide marching together as part of the Global Climate March, alongside 10,000 who stood strong in the streets of Paris in the most difficult of circumstances to form a giant human chain:

•    During the talks themselves, thousands of 350 supporters leapt into action at key moments to push world leaders toward bolder stances when they needed to hear from the people most:

•    Then, as talks concluded in Paris, 15,000 people took to the streets of Paris for #D12, and many thousands more took action around the world, to send the message that we are the ones who will keep carbon in the ground:

Our movement is growing — not just in numbers, but in depth of analysis, skills and capacity. We’ll need all of that for the next big push, which starts soon.

I can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish next.

Louise for the 350.org team in Paris


No, non rinnego quanto scritto precedentemente, bensì traccia la (mia, ma non solo) strada da intraprendere per il futuro.
Perché il bicchiere è sia mezzo pieno

punti forzache mezzo vuoto
punti deboli
ed è soprattutto sui secondi che gli attivisti ambientali dovranno battersi, senza dimenticarsi di tutelare i punti di forza del trattato parigino.

1) si è passati da 2 a 1,5°C, e senza nessun obbligo di controllo, con politiche energetiche che potrebbero portare a un innalzamento fino a 5/6°C della temperatura;
2) il cammino per le rinnovabili partirebbe troppo tardi, tra il 2018 e il 2023, vanificando non solo quanto fatto finora, ma tutto l’Accordo di Parigi;
3) non è stata fissata una data per fermare l’uso di combustibili fossili; e per poco l’accordo non saltava per l’uso, che alcune nazioni (principalmente i membri del “BRIC”) vorrebbero continuare ad avere, del carbone. L’alleanza dei due schieramenti “fossili”, carbone da una parte e gas e petrolio dall’altro, sta facendo si che sia le tempistiche per il passaggio alle rinnovabili venissero rimandate che le misurazione delle emissioni venissero affidate a chi le emette. Avrebbero potuto affidare il tutto a un software ad hoc creato dalla Volkswagen, no?
Per fortuna nessuno dorme, tanto che a maggio inizieranno a partire le prime iniziative per la dismissione sia del carbone che di gas e petrolio:


The dust is still settling from the dramatic two weeks of UN talks and grassroots mobilisation surrounding Paris. Now we enter the most critical part of the road through Paris – the part where we, the people, step things up another notch and make sure the promises are kept, and strengthened. 

World governments have agreed, in principle, to global action, but without a clear commitment to how and when they will transition off fossil fuels.

The way to make that transition a reality is by organising to keep coal, oil and gas in the ground and accelerate the just transition to 100% renewable energy.

And we have no time to lose. Today, alongside partners in 12 countries, we are announcing a moment of global escalation against the fossil fuel industry from May 7 to 15, 2016.

It’s called Break Free from Fossil Fuels, and it will be unlike any project we’ve ever joined before: not a day of action, not a single march echoed around the globe, but coordinated, major actions of thousands of people taking on iconic fossil fuel projects and companies across the globe.

If you’re ready to take this leap with us, click here to join one of the most ambitious projects we’ve ever been a part of.

This is what we mean by ambitious:

The plan is to grow the number of people participating in the movement, and organize actions that do more to disrupt the power of the fossil fuel industry, whether in the halls of power, or on the sites where they dig up carbon.

A major global mobilisation of thousands of people at a dozen or more locations will build on the many battles against oil pipelines, coal terminals, and fracking wells already happening around the world. It will continue the work of the divestment movement in undermining the social license of the fossil fuel industry.

And it will show the fossil fuel industry that this is the end of the road: it will no longer benefit from the consent of the people.

350 is partnering with some of the bravest fossil fuel fighters around the globe for this project: from activists in Nigeria who pioneered the idea of keeping fossil fuels in the ground, to communities defending their homes from coal in the Philippines, to organizers in the olive fields of Turkey opposing enormous coal plants.

We’re coming together in May so that people in both Northern and Southern hemispheres can act together, and link arms to show that this is no longer just a fight about our backyards: it is a fight about our collective survival.

And it’s a project you are being asked to join. The first step to be a part of this effort is here, and we’ll be in touch with updates about local campaigns in the new year.

Always onwards


Se l’obiettivo di COP21 era l’estinzione della specie umana siamo veramente sulla buona strada.
Poi, i paesi produttori di petrolio, quelli di gas, quelli che usano il carbone, i produttori di mezzi a motore a combustione interna, i politici, i lobbisti dovranno rispondere a una domanda da parte delle future generazioni; che intanto mi auguro che gli facciano la più grande e massiva class action della storia; ovvero: che ve ne fate dei soldi ora che siamo nella tomba?

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