E ci riprovano, inutilmente

Il mio account di World of Warcraft era gia’ stato rubato una volta, ma mi fu ridato indietro da Blizzard Europe.
Naturalmente cambiai password, email ed altro.
Non ritornai a giocare su World of Warcraft, visto che mi aveva ampiamente scassato las bolas (e, per ironia della sorte, ora sono in pieno trip per uno dei sui tanti cloni: Allods Online)
Ora, apro una delle mie tante caselle di posta e mi trovo una mail di phising atta a rubarmi nuovamente l’account.
Peccato che:
1) la casella di posta a cui fa riferimento il mio account sia un’altra. Riprovare, forse sarete piu’ fortunati!
2) che la mail faccia riferimento ai server americani invece che a quelli europei. Ahiahiahi, che errore idiota
3) che chi usa Firefox sia un pelo piu’ protetto rispetto a chi usa un certo browser made in Redmond da link come http://wowblizzard.usa001.fy50.com/

Greetings, Thank you for your attention in this matter regarding the compromised World of Warcraft account you are using. Unfortunately, multiple parties have contacted Blizzard Entertainment seeking restoration of the account in question. This message contains an updated Account Retrieval process, which will enable the rightful user of the account to resume their adventures in the World of Warcraft.

The investigation will be continued by Blizzard administration to determine the action to be taken against your account. If your account is found violating the EULA and Terms of Use, your account can, and will be suspended/closed/or terminated. In order to keep this from occurring, you should immediately verify that you are the original owner of the account.

To verify your identity please visit the following webpage:
http://www.WorldofWarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html (occhio che questo e’ il link falso!)

Only Account Administration will be able to assist with account retrieval issues.

Please help us to avoid any further delays in restoring Account access by following the instructions exactly and in their entirety. We will contact you again once all information has been received and thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation in resolving this account issue. Please be sure to provide all pertinent data as soon as possible since Blizzard Entertainment is unable to offer any type of reimbursement for the time an account is locked for verification and investigation purposes.

In the meantime, please make sure to scan the computer system you are using to remove all viruses, Trojan files, and key loggers. For more computer/Internet security tips, please visit http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20572.

In addition, World of Warcraft account passwords should be periodically changed by visiting : https://us.battle.net/login/login.xml?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldofwarcraft.com%2Faccount%2F&app=wam&rhtml=true

Any inquiries concerning this account retrieval process can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at : https://us.battle.net/login/login.xml?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wowarmory.com%2Fcharacter-sheet.xml%3Fr%3DDuskwood%26n%3DMuthahunda&app=armory&rhtml=true.

Thank you for your patience and anticipated cooperation in this matter.

Account Administration
Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft , Blizzard Entertainment 2010

Riprovateci, che mi sganascero’ dalle risate, cari i miei iCinesi