Topic of the LOL

In ogni forum, soprattutto in quelli dedicati ai videogiochi, c'e' un post, escludendo quelli bella sezione Off Topic, particolarmente divertente.
Nella community di Global Agenda e' questo:

1. Pick a friendly target.
2. Hold Left Mouse Button until tired.
3. Hold Right Mouse Button a little bit.
4. When tired use an off-hand.
5. goto 1

1. Pick an enemy target.
2. Hold Left Mouse Button until tired.
3. Hold Right Mouse Button a little bit.
4. When tired use an off-hand.
5. goto 1

1. Pick an empty corner.
2. Use an off-hand.
3. Wait until it gets destroyed.
4. goto 1

1. Log-In.
2. Delete your Recon.
3. Create another class.
4. Enjoy the game.